Cause that Make Men Making love Averse | OTHER HOT

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Cause that Make Men Making love Averse

Cause that Make Men Making love Averse

CONFUSED, because your partner is reluctant to have sex? This may be caused by several factors below.

One indicator of domestic harmony is when you and your spouse have a healthy sex life. However, it is certainly difficult to achieve if your partner is reluctant to have sex.

Before you accuse him of cheating, it could not hurt to see some facts below, as reported by The Stir.

Low testosterone levels
Believe it or not, it is quite common place. Experts argue if this is related to the environment has been polluted. In addition, age also affects the production of this hormone.

Diseases such as diabetes and pituitary tumors, bad effect on testosterone levels and libido. Antidepressant medications are used to lower blood pressure, also can make a man lose his passion.

Apparently, obesity also affects the production of testosterone. Therefore, do not be lazy to organize food and exercise.



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