Tips To Become A Pro At Google Search | OTHER HOT

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Tips To Become A Pro At Google Search

We all are familiar with Google search. Years of regular usage has made us well acquainted with how to work around our way on Google. But simply using Google search and using it efficiently are two very different things.

Not many people know that there are a dozen of tricks which can make our Google search very specific. Here is a list of 10 such tip and tricks to help you find exactly what you are looking for in Google's vast sea of search results.

Use Quotation marks if you are searching for something specific.

Use a dash after a search item if you are looking for something that possibly has more than one meaning.

If you are searching for something within a website itself - type Site:

If you want to find a website related to a URL you already know

When searching for specific words in text

When looking for words in title

In case you are looking for information related to a particular location

When you are looking for a file in a particular format

While looking for a number range

And use an asterisk if you don't remember certain words in a phrase (toi)



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