4 Stages of Women Orgasm in | OTHER HOT

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4 Stages of Women Orgasm in

Woman's sexual response is much more complicated than men. So complicated until the doctors are not too sure what is called an orgasm in women.

Researchers human sexuality, William Masters, MD and Virginia Johnson methodical manner describe an orgasm as the third phase of the female sexual response cycle. The following stages:

1. Phase Passion: The genitals begin to fill with blood and begin to secrete vaginal lubrication

2. Phase Stable (Plateau): The level of increased muscle tension and muscle tissues begin to fill with blood. Bated breath, skin feels hot and swollen vagina.

3. Orgasm: The level of ease in muscle suddenly released and the blood began to leave the genitals. Uterus and vagina to contract with an interval of 0.08 seconds, the same as in the male orgasm. Some women experience contractions after orgasm, which can last for a certain period of time up to 24 hours.

4. Resolution: The condition of the body back to the time before aroused.



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