Sharing Tasks The key Happy Household | OTHER HOT

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Sharing Tasks The key Happy Household

The key Happy Household

HAPPINESS married, must continue to be created if you want to keep the family happiness. Tips ancient but need to be reminded again, that sharing housework and childcare, is one key to a happy marriage.

"Sharing responsibility, does not mean dividing the same task. But make sharing work, also gives a different meaning for each partner, "said Adam Galovan, a doctoral student at the University of Missouri, Department of Human Development and Family Studies.

In addition, the smallest sample according to the results of other studies, reported by the pages of The Indian Express, for example, changing a diaper or father take turns watching their children while the mother is preparing dinner. "Doing the little things together, will add a sense of belonging, "said Galovan further.

Besides other factors being the key to happiness and success of marriage is a bond between fathers and their children. Fathers close to their children, has received greater attention than their partner.



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