Men and women most want to make love in this hour | OTHER HOT

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Men and women most want to make love in this hour

Desire for sex between men and women are not the same. It is caused by various factors and of course fundamental differences of hormones. Frequent miscommunication between husband and wife when one of them wants to do a game riding a horse because the couple were not excited.

The new study shows that most women want to make love at 23:21, while men feel more passionate at 7:54.

Based on these studies, the researchers said that sex would be fairer if done between the hours of 23: 00-02: 00.

As quoted by the Daily Mail independence, men tend to be more passionate before noon, with a preferred time slot between the hours of 06: 00-09: 00.

On the other hand, a woman's desire for sex increased throughout the day and peaked at 23: 00-02: 00. According to a study conducted on 2,300 people, only 16 percent of men who want to make love before going to bed.

The study also found that people tend to stick with a partner who has a sex drive that is similar to their own. Here are the results of a study showing the level of sex drive of men and women according time:

06: 00-09: 00 28%

09: 00-13: 00 10%

13: 00-04: 00 5%

16: 00-06: 00 3%

07: 00-08: 00 5%

20: 00-09: 00 10%

21: 00-23: 00 18%

23: 00-02: 00 16%

02: 00-06: 00 3%

06: 00-09: 00 11%

09: 00-13: 00 9%

13: 00-04: 00 8%

16: 00-06: 00 4%

07: 00-08: 00 6%

20: 00-09: 00 9%

21: 00-23: 00 22%

23: 00-02: 00 25%

02: 00-06: 00 3%

The study also revealed that more than half of men said that their sex drive is fairly constant. However, when compared to women, 36 percent say they tend to be driven by the mood.



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