How To Boost Smartphone’s Battery Life | OTHER HOT

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How To Boost Smartphone’s Battery Life

One of the most common issues that gadgets like smartphones and tablets suffer from is poor battery life. Using a few simple tips, apps and accessories in your daily routine can help maximise the battery back-up of your device.

Here are six tips to boost the battery life of your smartphones and tablets.

1. Brightness Level

Display is one of the biggest battery drainers on a phone. Instead of opting for automatic brightness in settings, manually set it to 40-50% in order to conserve battery.

2. Connectivity
Keep the phone and tablet's Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, NFC and 3G connectivity switched off when not required.

3. Uninstall apps

Various apps run background processes that constantly consume battery. If you are not using a particular app, it's better to uninstall it.
4. Haptic Feedback
The vibrating feedback from the phone every time the touchscreen is used might feel nice, but switching it off saves battery life.

5. Battery Doctor
This free app is available for iOS and Android. It shows which apps are consuming more battery and the remaining battery time of the device. The Android app also lets you do one-touch optimisation of the battery.

6. Carat
Carat is available for both Android as well as iOS and shows how much power each running app is consuming. After a week's usage, it starts giving recommendations on phone usage to improve battery life.

What do you think? have you care about smartphone battery life? if not, the above references you should try.



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