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Just One Way To Rome

Just One Way To Rome

with the name of Allah,
of course we are already familiar with the term is not only one way to Rome, so this term we've heard and we read, both in everyday conversation or in articles, newspapers or other online media. but the discussion this time we have to focus on just one way to Rome.

at first glance, the term is not only one way to Rome, describes the unyielding expression, or do not give up on a business, or a goal to be achieved, because one does not exclusively rely on a single attempt to achieve what he wanted.

for example, a person who tried to take advantage of a business, while having initially in basic agriculture, where failed in agriculture business, while continuing to learn then he will try marketing business, if it fails again, he tried business service gadgets, computers, laptops, etc., which essentially there is no turning back while able to try and continue to learn in living their lives.

all it is a good principle in living their lives in this world, but for the affairs of the Hereafter do not let us use the term is not only one way to Rome, yes to the affairs of the Hereafter, should "only one way to Rome" and do not look the other way.

it has strongly spoken by Allah, which means;

has been evident in the Qur'an, Islam was the only religion Allah will admit to affairs in the Hereafter, and of course we do not want to be the ones who loss on the judgment day later, because it Muslims should be alert and cautious in accepting and following a statement disseminated to deceive even doubting faith

so if we use the term not the way to Rome, to the affairs of the hereafter could mean, that does not have a particular religion we profess to be, and further concluded that all religions are true, because the goal remains the hope of the Mercy god

this is where the confusion on the meaning of a term, even though Allah had asserted, that in Islam only admit him, and other than it will lose in the hereafter. due to ignorance and disease like to be glamorous mostly Muslims with their easy to follow, even without realizing they have reached the pit lizard.

Muslims are not forbidden to associate with people anywhere in the world, but one that can not tolerate is "lakum dinukum waliyadiin" to you your religion and to me my religion. begin the second study and learn this glorious religion with science, not a Muslim, only due to heredity.



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